Another secret tip. The finish line is closing in. Your breathing rate is on the verge of hyperventilation. You are running low on fuel and energy but there is absolutely no way your stomach could handle a gulp of Gatorade or gel. It turns out carbohydrate drinks significantly boost performance in an endurance event even without being ingested. Taking a swing and spitting it out triggers specific areas of the brain to reduce the athletes' perception of their workload. Just in case you think I'm blowing smoke, here is the abstract from the Journal of Physiology.
Day 106 of Ironman- Gibraltar big gear workout, PM, 1 hour run
Day 107- 30 minute jog, 1 hour spin, core work at the gym
Day 108- Masters swim, PM- 1 hour run at intended IM pace
Day 109- Chardonay 10 mile run- 1:16, 2 hour bike
Day 110- Jalama ride- 125 miles
Day 111- Masters swim, 20 minute easy run
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