I think it is time for another father-in-law Vince story. Vince is a connoisseur of fine watches. Rolex watches to be specific. At least since Vince picked up a fine Rolex during a trip to Thailand. "The guy wanted $100 but I bargained him down to 80.", Vince said proudly. Ellen and I rolled our eyes. So on his latest senior excursion to Vegas, Vince saunters into the Rolex store. I guess he thinks he is now in some sort of elite club. "Wow",Vince said, "I saw a watch for $45,000!" I asked Vince, "So how do you explain how you paid 100 bucks... "that was 80 bucks", Vince corrected, "...for a watch costing thousands of dollars?" " I drive a hard bargain." But sadly Vince's Rolex has since died. " I think I got ripped off", lamented Vince. Now Vince sports two watches, one on each wrist. An old Timex to tell the time, and his Rolex to flash when he is entertaining the ladies.
Day 119 of Ironman- AM: 1hour run, core work, PM: 2hour bike
Day 120- AM: 40 minute run, easy, PM: Masters swim