Are you a Tri Geek or Nerd?
1. A Geek wears his body marking number days after the race. A Nerd knows there were exactly 753 finishers, and he finished 9th out of 93 in his age group.
2. A Geek prefers to drink from a water bottle, even at dinner time. A Nerd painstakingly monitors his fluid intake, making sure his urine is pale yellow at all times.
3. A Geek uses his race wheels on group rides. A Nerd knows his wheels are 5% more aerodynamic than a 32 spoke wheel.
4. A Geek fantasizes he is Lance Armstrong, the yellow jersey king of the bike path. A nerd knows Lance Armstrong can hold 450 watts over an one hour time trial.
I think I am a Geek/Nerd hybrid, slightly more nerd. 67.3% to 32.7% to be exact.