Friday, June 30, 2006
Sun Downer
AM: Masters Swim- Fast 50's today. I did as many as I could fly until I cracked.
Off to the gym for some core then I embarked on my death defying bike ride.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Down at the Beach
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Summer Time!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
A rather routine day
Lunchtime- Easy run, around 5.5 miles
PM- easy spin, 1:20
My legs are still a bit sore from Sunday's race
Monday, June 26, 2006
AM Masters- another long main set. 600, 2x300, 3x200
PM - kicked back a bit and watched some old episodes of 24.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Breath of Life
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Pre Race Day
Friday, June 23, 2006
Don't hold your breath
PM- Hour run and strides
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Wednesday Track
AM masters- I can't remember!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Blue Shoes
Monday, June 19, 2006
Another Monday
I was pretty beat from this weekend but getting in the water felt pretty good.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Sunday Run
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Long Ride Home

Sadly, my mom passed away today. 27 days after she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. A nurse friend said, “Pancreatic cancer, quick and painful”. Mom never complained once. During her last days she says, “I’ve had a good life, don’t worry about me”. Mom was 79 years old. She walked 3 miles a day. Born in a small plantation town on the
Today I rode from
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Graduation Time
Lunchtime: at the gym for some core work.
PM: Off to Duncan Thomas' house to celebrate his daughter, Devin's graduation from high school. Duncan was bemoaning his recent propensity for night cramps.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Monday, June 12, 2006
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Another Brick in the Wall
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Friday, June 09, 2006
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Back on track
Lunchtime-at the gym for some core
PM- At the track- 3x800, 1 mile, 2x8oo, 1mile
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Whats up
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Quick ride and a massage
Friday, June 02, 2006
Back in the Swim
Masters main set- 2x50, 2x100, 4x50, 4x100, twice thru.
off to the gym then a short bike spin.